7 Day Declutter Mind and Home Challenge


The 7-Day Challenge 


MIND and HOME Declutter

So many of us are cluttered in both our minds and home

I challenge you to do this simple 7-day challenge 

I guarantee you will feel completely different: lighter, clearer, better

I extended mine to 30 days it felt so good 


For 7 days take something you do not need out of your house for the number of day it is e.g. day 1, one item…day 2, 2 items…

Either give it away, SALVOS or trash. You can sell it but it has to go today

Continue for each day. You are not allowed to bring anything new back into your house for this period, so choose carefully and no old couch out for a new or old couch. We are creating space remember.

Some people feel it’s easy to start with their sock draw

I loved this feeling and just kept on going for 30 days,

After the 30 days I even created a rule that nothing could come in if nothing had gone out. 

You could have a certain amount of coat hangers available only


Do a Thought Download at the end of each day before bedtime or at the beginning of each day. For 5 minutes write down all your thoughts, good or bad. You can throw it in the bin or burn it later of you like. Doesn’t matter how crazy the thought is, get it out of your head and onto paper. Evidence supports that getting thoughts out of our head and onto paper can have a big difference to our wellbeing. 

Our mind is like a house with many rooms. If we dare to go inside and turn on the light to the rooms, some we just turn right back of and walk away. Theirs just to much mess and we don’t know where to start.

That’s OK. Let’s start somewhere because that’s better than doing nothing at all. 

You write everything. Do NOT hold back. And yes there is some crazy sh@#  going on in there. You can throw it away or burn it later. Just get it out. Do it now. It feels so good.

I always have my clients create what we call a non-intentional model and an intentional model.

If you have not worked with me that’s OK. 

I have provided a worksheet to help you out. 

Every result we get is because of our action. Every action in our life is because of a feeling. And every feeling in our life is because of a thought we are thinking. In short Circumstances are people, things or situations out of our control. They are neutral and fact. A jury would all agree on this fact. It’s what happens next that is OPTIONAL. We have a thought about any given circumstance that then creates a feeling which drives our action, non action or reaction that then produces a result or outcome.

Mind Blowing! Ha.



NOW choose one thought from your download. Don’t be fussy. It doesn’t really matter which one. And fill in the model below. Start with the thought line. 

Put your thought in to the thought line and work through the rest in any order.

Circumstance - (this is fact and neutral) what are the facts of the situation?

Thought – what is the thought you have about the circumstance. THIS IS OPTIONAL.

Feeling – How do I feel when I think this thought?

Action –When I feel this way what do I do? How do I act?

Result – when is the effect of this action on me?

We go through this model each time to remind ourselves that thoughts are optional. Don’t sweat. Be kind and gentle with yourself. You will get better at this and you will blow your own mind as you become more aware of your thoughts and that they are OPTIONAL.

We use courage and compassion to coach ourselves.

Here are two examples:

Circumstance – Work meeting

Thought – This is wasting my time. I have so many other things I could be doing

Feeling – annoyed, frustrated

Action – I spend my time thinking about all the other things I should be doing

Result – I am not present, waste time worrying and do not contribute to my work and colleagues 100%. I don’t show up as my best version.

Circumstance – Husband comes home at 7pm

Thought – It’s his turn to cook. It’s to late now to get anything organized for the kids.

Feeling – Angry, frustrated

Action – Fight with my husband

Result – Our relationship is strained and negative

Now it’s your turn. Don’t just do this in your head. Write it down. Get it out of your head. Observe your thoughts


Next step is too write a 2nd Model

Do you like the result? If you do, don’t change the model. 

If you don’t write your preferred result and work backwards if you like. Or go to the thought you would need to think to get your desired result. Or go to the feeling you would need to feel. 


Circumstance - Work meeting

Thought – It’s important to me to be good at my job. Part of my job is meetings. 

Feeling – Accepting, focused

Action – I am attentive. I plan ahead for other tasks

Result – I am a valued and valuable colleague

Circumstance – Husband comes home at 7pm (This is fact and does not ever change).

Thought – I expected him to cook tonight and we take. turns – he does the best he can

Feeling – Accepting

Action – I make baked beans on toast and ask him later how the day was for him

Result – I am calm and things get done 


Circumstance – Husband comes home at 7pm

Thought – I am married to the man I love

Feeling – Loving

Action – I show up as I want to be, allow him to show up as he wants to be

Result – I love how I show up for this relationship

(This one might challenge some of you, that’s OK)

Look at your preferred result. What would you need to think, feel and act to get that result. 

Be gentle with yourself.

Identify your feeling. Look inside your mind to see what you are thinking to create this feeling. Becoming conscious of your thoughts can be scary at first. It takes practice. If you ask yourself why you are doing something that you are doing, why you are feeling the way you are feeling, the answer is always a thought you had. The best way to get to know what’s going on inside your mind is to observe it. Because what’s going on inside your mind is what will determine how you feel, act, and the results you get.

I challenge you to 7 days of cleaning up your home and mind.

You will feel great!

I would love to hear how you went with this challenge.

Thought download
















Circumstance – What are the facts of the situation? (This is neutral and does not change)

Thought – What is the thought you have about the circumstance. (THIS IS OPTIONAL)

Feeling – How do I feel when I think this thought?

Action –When I feel this way what do I do? How do I act?

Result – What is the effect of this action on me?

Non-Intentional Model















Intentional Model















Tasha Morath