My Services.

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One to One Sessions

One to One Coaching is the opportunity to achieve a certain result and deeper training.

Start Session - we clarify where you want to focus and why. I help you understand where you are now, and where you want to go, including any obstacles that are in your way. We create a completely customised program for you.

The following 5 sessions will take you through the process of getting traction, generating motivation, teaching you exactly what you need to know and making sure you have the accountability to get it done. One to one coaching can be the difference you need to get the exact results you want.

In a private session:

You will honour yourself to take the time to reveal any thinking that is preventing you from getting the results you want. Private coaching is exactly what most of us need when we are confused, stuck or super uncomfortable.

Private coaching gives you a safe space to see your thinking in a way you never have before. We dedicate sessions to looking at your thoughts and understanding their impact on your life.
You will create massive awareness that much of what you have been thinking, feeling and doing is so inefficient you don’t even recognise it as thinking. 
You simply think it’s how the worlds is and it’s just happening to you and it’s how you are.

Get ready to Feel Better!

Small Group Sessions

Is a unique 8 - session group package

Limited to 6 participants only

I teach you how to clean up your thinking using The Self Coaching Model. You will learn the skill of intentional thinking and creating the results you want in your life. You will learn the skills to be the next best version of yourself everyday.

Sessions include:

  • The Self Coaching Model and why it’s so important to be your own coach

  • How to Feel Better

  • Relationships

  • Confidence

  • Goals and Future

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