Are You Living Your Peak? Quiz

Are You Living At Your Peak?

Are you Happy?

Do you seek JOY in everything you do?

Or do you seek PLEASURE? 

Do you buffer or avoid?

Are you ready?

Answer the following questions to find out

1. Do you know, as a whole what you want in your life?

2. Do you usually know what you want to achieve in any given moment? or            activity?

3. Do you set goals?

4. Do you use feedback to guide you?

5. Do you have the ability to read how well you are doing and adjust yourself in terms of what is happening around you (result/outcome)?

6. Can you always focus and stay centered on a task?

7. Do you have the ability to avoid distraction?

8. Have you ever felt at one with what you are doing?

9. Do you have clear goals that you work toward?

10. Do you believe your thoughts are optional?

11. Do you believe your life is determined by external events?

12. Do you always make a choice to do things or not, even when you feel like you have no choice?

13. Do you always care about the things you commit too?

14. Do you seek the next new challenge as you have mastered a certain level in whatever you are doing?

15. Are you always ready for a novelty or challenge that makes your life more exiting and challenging?


Do NOT go to the next page until you have answered YES or No to all of the questions

IF you answered YES to all questions except 11 and 12, GREAT! You are striving to reach your peak

IF you answered No to any of the questions except 11 and 12, GREAT we have some work to do to get you aligned and growing to your full potential

If you answered YES to questions 11 and 12, GREAT, Let’s GET to work and clean up your thinking to create your desired results

The Great News IS:

Your brain is the most powerful tool on the planet. There is no amount of money that could ever buy it or reproduce it.


Managing your brain (and the thoughts within it) is the most important thing you will ever do to create your desired results. 
(And none of our traditional education teaches it!)


I offer the latest, laser-like tools and cutting edge training to manage thoughts, emotions, actions and therefore results. The model and process is simple to learn and inspiring to apply immediately.

I am committed

Are you?

Tasha Morath