Sleep Hygiene

The Sleep Problem

How to clean up your head and 

Get a Great Night Sleep Ready for tomorrow

If you are anything like me you have trouble switching your brain off at night and going to sleep. You wake up at 2.30am or 3am to solve the problems of the world. And you really do. The best solutions and ideas come then..

Sleep deprivation is becoming so common in our society.

It can causes irritability, fatigue, clumsiness, foggy brain, difficulty concentrating, weight gain

Have Great Sleep Hygiene

What do I mean by that?

Go to bed the same time (with nights out the exception) every night and rise the same time each day

Don’t drink caffeine after 12pm

Limit alcohol (it can help us get to sleep, but we wake at the witching hour and can’t get back to sleep)

No screen time after 10.00 (it messes with our dopamine)

18 degrees Celsius (optimal sleeping temperature)

5 minutes before sleep…..

Realise you are about to program your sub conscious mind.

If you spend 5 minutes reviewing all the things you don’t like and all the things that didn’t work out and how terrible you feel and who abused you and who was mean to you and who said this….

Then you are programming your mind for when you awaken. 

You are about to marinate for the next 8 hours in your subconscious mind

You want to be real careful how you program you mind ready for the next day.

What you place in your subconscious mind is all-dependent on what you place in your imagination before you go off to sleep…

I am well

I am content

I am peaceful

I am happy

I am prosperous

I am abundant

I am selfconfident

Listen to

Close your eyes and listen to: Meditation from the book ‘Three Magic Words’ by Uell S. Anderson

I know that I am pure spirit

And that I always have been

And that I always will be

There is inside me a place of confidence

And quietness

And security where all things are known

And understood

This is the universal mind, God

Of which I am part

And which responds to me as I ask of it 

This universal mind knows the answer to all my problems

And even now the answers are speeding their way to me 

I needn’t struggle for them

I needn’t worry or strive for them

When the time comes

The answers will be there

I give my problems to the great mind of GOD

I let go of them

Confident that the correct answers will return to me when they are needed

Through the great law of attraction

Everything in life that I need for my work and fulfillment will come to me

It is not necessary that I strain about this 

Only believe

For in the strength of my belief

My faith will make it so

I see the hand of divine intelligence all about me

In the flower, the tree, the brook, the meadow

I know that the intelligence that created all these things is in me and around me

And that I can call upon it for my slightest need

I know that my body is a manifestation of pure spirit

And that spirit is perfect

Therefore my body is perfect also

I enjoy life 

For each day brings a constant demonstration

Of the power and wonder of the universe

And myself

I am confident

I am serene

I am sure

No matter what obstacle or undesirable

Circumstance crosses my path

I refuse to accept it

For it is nothing but allusion

There can be no obstacle

Or undesirable circumstance

To the mind of GOD

Which is in me

Around me

And serves me now

This is the great lesson

Know this within you

Wayne Dyer once said, ‘You can either be a host to GOD

Or a hostage to your ego’.

Tasha Morath